Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP


I am a trained homoeopath, but I only subscribe to succussion, nothing else. Why?

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) made many mistakes, and it would be unwise to repeat his mistakes (miasma, doctrine of signatures, vitalism, holism, nosodes, sarcodes, and the complete absence of physics, and knowledge of the cells that gave us life). It appears the FDA scientists at the time shared my position.

First things first. Let me state for the record that homoeopathy is spelt as I spell it with the letter E sandwiched between two letters O, not homeopathy. A physician who confused the original spelling of homoeopathy with homeostasis spelt it wrongly. Unfortunately, the bad spelling (homeopathy) got stuck.

As I said, I don’t repeat mistakes because mistakes are meant to be corrected, not repeated. That said, let me revert to the day’s topic.

FDA scientists investigated homoeopathy’s safety records from 1798 to 1938 and did not find a single complaint against it, giving homoeopathy an outstanding and unparalleled 140-year safety record.

The physician detractors who dubbed Hahnemannian products “placebo” and “sugar pills” and held on to Count Amadeo Avogadro’s hypothesis as a reason to keep poking holes into Dr. Hahnemann’s work and deride his products missed the point by 10 miles. The FDA scientists were smart enough not to allow themselves to be distracted by the flares physicians were throwing. They were guided by science and allowed science to prevail. How?

They used Raman spectroscopy to examine Hahnemannian products, which, for lack of a better word, Taft, the German-English translator, called “remedies.”

What did the spectrometer find? It found dynamic configurations with monomers forming polymers compared to the diluted sugar solution that did not have such dynamic configurations. These were not and still are not placebos or sugar pills. There is more to these products than meets the eye. Vibrations create waves, frequencies, and monomers, justifying calling them particulates.

Further investigation revealed that Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s secret lies in his invented production method (succussion). What is succussion?

It is the pounding on a somewhat hard surface of an unadulterated and natural product after diluting it incrementally with grain alcohol or distilled water.

The somewhat hard surface produces a resistance strong enough to cause the atoms in the natural product to collide and explode.

The explosion releases vibrations, waves, frequency, power, strength, pressure, speed, acceleration, momentum, heat, electricity, magnetism, etc., causing the formation of monomers and polymers in different patterns called configurations.

Heat (thermal energy) breaks the covalent, chemical, or ionic bonds of poisons, alkaloids, toxins, etc., making them harmless. Electrical energy frees up salts, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins, making them enzyme-makers and tissue builders.

This discovery allowed the FDA scientists to fully understand why Hahnemannian products had a remarkable safety record spanning 140 years. Fabulously amazing.

Therefore, it was wrong then and still wrong today to subject Hahnemannian products to the toxicology tests to which pharmaceutical drugs are subjected, requiring Homoeopathic Medicine to be evaluated differently.

Homoeopathic researchers can even take battery acid (sulfuric acid), succuss it, and make it safe for cell self-correction. They can also take scorpion venom, spider venom, stingray venom, bee venom, etc., and make it safe for treatment, making Hahnemannian products excellent busters of circulation impediments (calcification, plaque, lithiasis, calculi, tophus, gravel, stones, oxalates, etc.)

Although Dr. Samuel Hahnemann did not study physics, his invention of succussion was well-suited to the underbelly of classical physics, which is all about motion.

In 1828, when he was asked how his products work, his one-word answer was “Energy,” but he did not elaborate, which was a smart move on his part. He left the scientific explanation to posterity, and this is exactly what I am doing now.

Homoeopathy’s safety record continues. It added 87 more years (1938 to 2025) to its 140-year record, making it the envy of pharmacists all over the world. Pharmacists are still struggling to make their drugs safe. It has been over 2,000 years since they started drug manufacturing, and still, their products are not as safe as they would like them to be. There is more work for them ahead.

The FDA has always played fair, allowing properly licensed inventors to find a market, sell their products, and pay taxes. The facilities that manufacture Hahnemannian products are regularly inspected and fully licensed by the USFDA.

After The USFDA approved Hahnemannian products, Canada, Great Britain, India, Pakistan, and France followed suit because the USFDA shared its science with them and found it credible beyond measure.

Why do people still say there is no science behind homoeopathy? It appears that they must have been reading the wrong articles to be fair to them.

Why hasn’t Dr. Samuel Hahnemann been awarded the Nobel Prize for physics or medicine posthumously? Didn’t he invent a method to produce the safest therapeutic product on planet Earth? Yes, he did, but it appears this question will remain difficult to answer because Dr. Hahnemann did not establish a school to continue his work. Who will receive this Nobel Prize?

His great-great-great-grandson, William Tankard Hahnemann, died in 2009, ending the traceable Hahnemann ancestry associated with homoeopathy.

Homoeopathic schools are teaching classical homoeopathy, which Dr. Hahnemann did not endorse. In truth, Dr. Hahnemann knew nothing about this so-called classical homoeopathy. He taught Hahnemannian homoeopathy, not classical homoeopathy, at the University of Leipzig, Germany.

Gottlieb Jarr, his literary secretary, mooted the idea of printing repertories to earn money to pay his medical school tuition. This was how repertorization saw the light of day. Dr. Hahnemann never taught Gottlieb Jarr the principles and concepts of homoeopathy, much less succussion. Therefore, Jarr knew nothing about succussion, making repertorization questionable at best.

Physicians who studied homoeopathy became known as homoeopathic physicians. They took over the teaching of classical homoeopathy and immortalized all the mistakes that Dr. Hahnemann made instead of correcting them. This was how they gave homoeopathy a black eye and subjected it to ridicule.

I attended the British Institute of Homoeopathy in Middlesex, England, and trained as a homoeopath there. I knew the late William Herbert Tankard Hahnemann (1922-2009), the institute’s patron (Board chairman).

He knew a lot about what his great-great-great grandfather did for the world. I would not have been alive today if it had not been for Hahnemannian products. They are safe and extremely effective if used correctly. I had to establish a school (The American School of Symptometry, NFP) to incorporate succussion into Symptometric Science to amplify its benefits at the doctoral level. That is all I can do to keep his legacy (succussion) alive.

Physicians who studied homoeopathy were fed a steady diet of the Avogadro hypothesis, repertorization, vitalism, holism, and miasma, which is unfortunate. This left them with nothing about succussion. As a result, they continued their symptom treatment with homoeopathy, which again is unfortunate.

Anyway, the days ahead hold more promise than the past. Why stick to the past full of grievances and misery? Let’s move to higher grounds and greener pastures with better and brighter ideas.

© Copyright 2025, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.




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