Symptometry’s Top Notch Discoveries
Symptometry’s Top Notch Discoveries
Symptometric experiments have resulted in many discoveries. The most recent one was discovering how human cells use iodides to achieve countless objectives. Anatomists already knew how the thyroid gland used iodides to regulate the metabolism of the five food groups (protein, fat, oil, sugar and starch). The question is, where does the iodine that the cells convert to iodides come from? Symptometry discovered that human cells get the iodine that is converted to iodides from iodized salt, not from rock salt, sea salt, non-iodized salt or Himalayan salt.
Then, after obtaining iodine from the right source, the cells produce enzymes to speed up the production of billions of iodides every day. Why so many iodides? The answer is, all the glands, the red bone marrow, the muscle cells, the three nervous systems, the bones and the teeth, as well as all the cells in soft tissue, use these iodides to achieve their objectives. In other words, all the over 75 trillion cells that make up the human body use these iodides every day. Why?
The sodium that is part of the iodide, is part of the cytoplasm’s fluid. It is the electrical charge that is in this fluid which facilitates the transmission of signals from messenger RNA to transfer RNA, and from transfer RNA to ribosomal RNA, back and forth.
It also facilitates the transportation of nutrients to the cellular organelles, and the transportation of finished products from the organelles to the exit. Then, blood circulates the finished product to its destination.
Therefore, without sodium associated with iodine from the right source, the electrical charge in the cytoplasm will not be enough to enable the cell to work for 24 hours. This is how not having enough sodium and iodine from the right source ends up breaking down the cell’s machinery.
A symptom is a sign that the disabled cell produces to draw attention to its plight. A disease is the sign that the cells produce to confirm that they cannot produce replacement cells and replacement proteins. There is something wrong, and they would want us to figure out what they need so that the logjam can be cleared as quickly as possible. If this logjam is not cleared, they will not resume their operations. This is the discovery that led Symptometry to the source of every human disease.
How sure is Symptometry that it discovered the source of every human disease? In Symptometry, curing is proving, nothing more, nothing less. If a disease is not cured, it simply means, there is a lot more to learn about how the cells operate. This has absolutely nothing to do with the person or the disease. It has a lot to do with the cells, and their well-being. Their well-being depends a lot on the availability of iodides.
Our cells do not operate in a vacuum. They always lay down their conditions before resuming duty after a breakdown. Their conditions are: 1) there must be a complete alignment of the desires of the mind with the needs of the cells, which means, diet and lifestyle must change; negative energy and attitude must also change 2) all the impediments that are in the cytoplasm must be removed 3) there must be a lot of iodides in the body and 4) there must be an inner determination in the sick person to brave the odds and heal. Until these four conditions are met, the cells will not budge. If they do not budge, the disease will be chronic, or the person will die. This discovery has made iodides central to human health.
Is a pinch of iodized salt in soup or in stew enough for a person’s daily cellular needs? The answer is, no. From where will the cells get the huge amount of iodine they need without subjecting the body to hypernatremia (salt poisoning) or iodism (iodine poisoning)? The answer is, a specific Hahnemannian product, which should be taken periodically.
How does this Hahnemannian product work so that the cells can produce billions of iodides for the entire body for one day? Iodine should be combined with an electrolyte like calcium, or potassium, or with a non-electrolyte like iron.
Then, the two are succussed. In other words, thermal energy is infused into the two elements. Atomic collision will follow. Subatomic particles will be produced with the protons and the neutrons eliminating the electrons, thereby leaving only positive energy in the Hahnemannian product.
When the Hahnemannian product is taken orally, the glands will use it to produce the enzymes that speed up the production of iodides. This is how billions of iodides become available for use by the cells without the person suffering from hypernatremia or iodism.
Iodine from iodized salt will never be enough for the 75 trillion cells that make up the human body. This is because it does not lend itself to atomic conductivity like a succussed electrolyte and iodine or a succussed non-electrolyte and iodine. This explains why a person who takes succussed iodine in addition to eating food that was cooked with iodized salt will be far healthier than a person who gets iodine from only one source, which is iodized salt in food.
Individuals who eat food that was cooked with rock salt, Himalayan salt or sea salt will be deficient in iodides. It is iodide deficiency that will make them susceptible to diseases.
Even though the other minerals, vitamins, trace elements, elements and water are important to the cells, it is sodium and iodine from iodized salt that are of paramount importance for cellular health because the cytoplasm of every cell cannot do without them.
Symptometry discovered the multipurpose use of iodides when it started using them to cure diseases; and through this discovery, it is showing how diseases can be cured or prevented with specific minerals.
Minerals have been used before, and they are still being used, but they cannot cure diseases. This time, the perfect understanding of how the cytoplasm works, and what makes it work, has made all the difference. Symptometry is now curing diseases. A cure is defined as the restoration of the line of communication between the gene and DNA, and between DNA and the three RNAs. This restoration jumpstarts the cell machinery. The usefulness of iodides has stretched far beyond the borders of the thyroid gland, thanks to Symptometry’s research and discovery.
© Copyright 2020, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.