Symptometric Science

It is the science that takes mankind back to the very beginning where we should have started, which is the prioritization of our cells’ needs and addressing their concerns as well as DNA’s concerns.

The sole objective of symptometric science, which Dr. Maxwell Nartey invented, is to study a person, meaning a living being, to know how human cells function, what makes them function, why they stop functioning to cause anomalies, what can be done to make them function again, and what should be done to keep them functioning.

The cells in a cadaver are dead. Since it is the cells in living beings that work, symptometric science concentrates all its efforts on studying living cells, and these living cells are in human beings that are still breathing.


A Ghanaian who emigrated to the United States with a master’s degree in linguistics; was a French-English translator, and became a US citizen, had to switch careers in Chicago to become a cardiology technician after studying cardiology at the Medical Careers Institute in Chicago. The reason for the switchover was, he was extremely sick with cirrhosis of the liver. The allopathic treatment he was receiving did not make a dent in his condition. Since dying was not an option, he took matters into his own hands….

Books on Symptometry by Dr. Maxwell Nartey

What to Consume: Mankind's Safest Consumables Paperback – October 22, 2019

The founder of Symptometry, Dr. Maxwell Nartey, DHM, NHD is a therapeutic scientist specializing in targeting health symptoms’ underlying causes. In this book, he provides a perfect gift for families and caregivers. You will be able to read simple yet science-based facts that link healthy foods we love to illnesses we don’t. For over twenty years, this is the food guide that has helped the patrons of Symptometry stay healthy, all over the world.