Cell Neglect, Symptometry’s New Discovery
Symptometry made a particularly important and mind-blowing discovery. It discovered the cause of all human diseases. It is cell neglect.
Physiology discusses how each organ functions independently within a system. Anatomy discusses the structure and the location of each organ in the human body. Pathology studies diseases and their symptoms. The question is why does a disease occur? The answer to this question depends on what the person studied. Such a variation explains the confusion that currently prevails in the healthcare industry. There is only one answer to why a disease occurs, and this answer is cell neglect. First, a history lesson.
5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians made anatomy, physiology and pathology the staple of interventionist medicine. Interventionist medicine became known as Western medicine aka allopathic medicine with surgery being the field that surgically removes a diseased tissue or organ from the body.
Millions of individuals no longer want interventionist medicine. They prefer disease prevention and systems maintenance because interventionist medicine does not focus on health; it focuses solely on disease management through symptom treatment.
This shift in preference has called for a totally different health delivery system. Symptometry invented this health delivery system by focusing solely on awareness, scientific enlightenment and disease prevention. It called this robust system and method Symptometrics.
The grounds Symptometrics covers are: 1) the protection and well-being of the living cells 2) cell, system and organ decongestion 3) cell, system and organ nourishment and 4) the continued enhancement of the interdependence, interconnectedness and integration of all our cells, organs and systems. This is how these four basic tenets of disease prevention make a person optimally healthy. Also, to prevent diseases, energy used must always be equal to energy produced.
Under cell protection and cell well-being, Symptometrics teaches how the cells that produce the brain, the bones, the teeth, the organs, the systems and the other body parts use water and well-combined specific nutrients to protect themselves. Also, it teaches how the body parts use nutrients and water to produce replacement cells, enzymes, neurons, neurotransmitters, peptides, dipeptides, tripeptides, polypeptides, amines, and hormones to run the body efficiently. We are made of energy; and it is the sun, nutrients and water that supply this energy to our cells. Why treat ourselves with what we are not made of?
Under cell decongestion, and system maintenance, Symptometrics teaches how poisons are hydrolyzed, concretions are ionized and alkaloids or acids are oxidized so that the cell machinery within each system can keep functioning in a cleaner system. We will be healthy only if our systems are clean.
If a disease has already occurred, the objective will be to use water and specific nutrients to clean the systems, and nourish what needs to be nourished so that the cells themselves cure the disease and prevent its recurrence. This is a complete departure from interventionist medicine that completely ignores the needs of the living cells and uses products to alleviate symptoms.
Also, Symptometrics teaches the concept of applied quantum physics which emphasizes the non-existence of emptiness. In other words, nutrients and water must be in every cell, tissue, organ and system at all times. If they are not, concretions and anomalies will automatically take their place, thereby allowing the cells to produce a symptom. If the needs of the cells are not met in years, a disease will occur. This is how cell neglect causes every human disease.
It is cell neglect that makes a person sick, most of the time. People just do not know how the human body works at the cellular level. It was the diseases Symptometry cured that led to the discovery of cell neglect as the cause of most, if not all human diseases.
If the cells had not been tattered, growth factors would not have attracted viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. to cause an infectious disease. If collagen had been in the cells, heavy metals and tumorigens would never have caused tumors, excrescences or swellings. If collagen had been in the cells, carcinogens would have never caused cancer. If collagen had been in the cells, ulcer would have never occurred. Human tissues, organs and structures are built and maintained with collagen.
Also, if cortisol had been in the cell, an inflammation would have never occurred. If endorphin, substance P or enkephalin had been in the cell, the nerve would have never transmitted the pain impulse.
Therefore, to stay healthy, our attention must revert to the cells, the organs and the systems; nothing more, nothing less. It is the cells called fibroblasts that produce collagen. Only those who know how to produce fibroblasts and repair them will produce enough collagen to be optimally healthy.
Additionally, Symptometrics teaches how our cells, organs and glands relate to each other, communicate with each other, depend on each other and share nutrients and water to produce cell essentials, brain essentials and body essentials. It is the constant sharing of nutrients and water, interconnectedness, interdependence, and integration that enhance harmony between the cells and the mind. Then, it is this harmony that makes a person healthy.
Fundamentally, Symptometrics teaches how the cells work to sustain the eleven systems and how the eleven systems work as a team to sustain the entire human body. Without internal harmony between the mind and the cells, health will be denied. Such a comprehensive method (Symptometrics) now makes it easy to know why a deviation from health (disease) occurs. No disease is a mystery.
Every medicine (naturopathic, allopathic, etc.) intervenes only after a disease (pathology) has occurred. This is too late, and it is wrong. Symptometrics teaches that a person who knows how the human body works at the energy and cellular levels, and knows what it takes to prevent diseases, should not have a disease. This is fantastic knowledge, awareness and empowerment in one swoop. Symptometry has now emerged as the best scientific and natural option ever, especially for those who prefer systems maintenance to interventionist medicine.
However, it is important to not confuse Symptometrics with Symptometry. Symptometry is registered in the United States with the US Department of the Treasury as a healthcare business. It provides root-cause therapeutics, as opposed to symptom treatment with pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, herbs, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.
On the other hand, Symptometrics is a method. It teaches how the human body works at the energy and cellular levels to prevent diseases. It is disease prevention that enables a person to stay healthy mentally, sexually, emotionally, physically, metabolically, and healthy in all their organs and systems. Doctors of Symptometry are the only doctors that use correlation diagnosis and Symptometrics to realign the genes with DNA and DNA with the three RNAs to facilitate a cure.
© Copyright 2021, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.